Just a quick post to recap on training. After a few weeks of biking only on the weekends I came to the conclusion it would not be enough, so I started training once or twice during weekdays. I have only enough time for a 20km ride, but I try to do it at least twice a week and what a difference it makes. I feel much more prepared when I hit the road on the weekend since I started with this and it seems it is good to improve my average speed (which is still slow – around 27km/h).
Next Sunday we will be doing the last essay for the real thing at Triatlo do Estoril, entering the Olympic distance (1500m/40km/10km) after Alpiarça’s event back in March where I entered only on a Sprint distance (300m/10km/4km) to see how the logistics fits. I really enjoyed Alpiarça not only because I had a lots of fun during the race but most of all for everything around the event – seeing the pros in action was really great and inspiring.
And about inspiration, if you are into triathlon make sure you watch this great Ironman video: