After some peak training weeks logging up to 25 training hours in a single week I’m ready for the dreaded taper.
We are at less than 2 weeks from race day and by now I’m really looking forward to it. It’s time to put all the training towards this main season goal which is without doubt the major sports challenge I’ve ever faced.
Currently my body still feels a bit knocked out, I have some light pain on one foot and also on one knee and hip. I know that currently I’m not able to perform on the best of my ability because of the intensive loads from the previous weeks. Anyway, that is what taper is for – reducing volume and intensity, keeping fit but setting free all your hard earned potential that will rise as you cut back on the training and let your heart, mind and muscles breath.
I feel ready and I am confident I’ve done what I could to prepare myself, but the race will tell me whether or not that was enough for such a grueling demand.
Now it’s time to cut back on training and prepare all the logistics, which are somewhat demanding (lots of details on the bike and the bike transportation itself also requires some management). Looking forward flying out to Frankfurt and having a blast, I hope 🙂
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