Tiago Costa

Internet entrepreneur and triathlete (Ironman Finisher). Founder of WayNext – digital agency and other companies. Blogging for myself, this is not the agency voice. Welcome!

Put your money where the consumer is…


Even if we don’t know the exact numbers for all markets, we all know this, but it’s always worth repeating:

Consumers spend 25% of their media time with digital media, Mr. Sorrell said, but marketers spend only 19% of their marketing budgets there globally, by WPP’s reckoning. The disconnect is greater in mobile, with 8% of time spent vs. 0.5% of budgets, he said. TV is relatively balanced, at 41% of time spent and 42% of budgets. Mr. Sorrell said that print is the only medium with a substantial overallocation of media budgets compared with time spent — and hence most vulnerable to the shift.

Citing this article wrote about Martin Sorrell.

Author: Tiago Costa

Internet entrepreneur, Ironman Finisher and kitesurfer. Founder of WayNext – web agency and other companies. Blogging for myself, this is not the agency voice.

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